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  • Lil Sweetie

2020 New Year's Resolutions

Millions of people every year make New Year's resolutions, hoping to create change in life. Once the glitter from the new year wears off people struggle to make their plans into action. Did you know that less than half of the people who set New Year's Resolutions are actually successful?! Let's change our typical hefty resolution into smaller more achievable resolutions that will make us feel good and look great!

This year, let's focus on attainable healthy habits that will be good for our mind body and spirit. Let's set some New Year's resolutions that will actually make us FEEL GREAT! So who is ready to ditch the negative "I want to lose 10 lbs and workout more" attitude? This year I want to focus on resolutions that will be positive for my health in mind, body, and soul. I'm done with putting myself down each year, telling myself I need to lose weight, work out more, eat healthier, etc...

Limit your resolutions to a manageable amount. We oftentimes create New Year's resolutions that aren't reasonable for our lifestyle spreading our daily routine too thin with commitments. Make sure you know your limitations and focus on one or two smaller more positive resolutions that you can actually take on this year.

Who else is ready to make 2020 the best year yet? Here are a few fresh ideas to kick start your new year with some resolutions that will make a difference in how you live your life.

2020 New Year's Resolution Ideas

  • Eat more veggies

  • Book all of your doctor's appointments for the entire year

  • Become a plant owner

  • Make your home cozier

  • Take the stairsSanitize your phone weekly

  • Plan a vacation Read more (or listen to audiobooks)Volunteer!

  • Try a new workout

  • Delegate more chores

  • Wear workout gear that makes you feel GREAT!

  • Take a real lunch break

  • Donate your old clothes and household itemsJournalGet more sleep

  • Pamper yourself

  • Give yourself more compliments and be kind to yourself

  • Spend less time on your phone

  • Learn something new

  • Drink more water

  • Ask for help when you need it

  • Stay current with current events

  • Do more of what you love (hobbies)

  • Stay more connected with friendsMeditate or self reflect

  • Do one healthy thing a day

Tips for maintaining your resolutions throughout the year

Mentally prepare for change. Make sure you stay positive, don't make big changes quickly, the change should be gradual. Build on smaller changes and allow room for error. Don't beat yourself up for making a mistake or not following through on your resolution.

Pick a resolution that will motivate you. Make sure your resolution aligns with your goals, priorities, dreams, and your aspirations. Your goal should align with your top priorities. Be as specific as possible with your resolution and break up your bigger goals into smaller goals.

Review your resolutions regularly, tell somebody about your resolutions, and if you fall off track, get back on quick.

Cheers to making 2020 the best year yet!






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Santa Monica, CA 90405

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